Tag Archives: Sci-Fi

Simplify, simplify, simplify

The problem with having to come up with a different approach to each new project is having to come up with a different approach to each new project. In the case of DECELERATE BLUE, looking for an line art style that can keep up with the story and evolve along with it. At the beginning, searching for something that portrays the characters’s coldly efficient lifestyles. From thumbs to final pencils, trying to exclude as much as possible. Just necessary lines and solid black or white areas.

Page 1 preliminary thumbnail sketch:

DECELERATE thumbnail pg 001

Rough pencils:

DECELERATE pencil rough 001

Final pencils:

DECELERATE pencils 001

Page 2 preliminary thumbnail sketch:

DECELERATE thumbs 002

Rough pencils:

DECELERATE rough pencils 002

Final pencils:

DECELERATE pencils 002
