The Life And Times Of Savior 28
Story by J.M. DeMatteis
Artwork by Mike Cavallaro
Colors by Andrew Covalt
“DeMatteis delivers a powerhouse first issue, constructing the world of Savior 28 in short, precise strokes, with tremendous support from Cavallaro, whose style is well-matched to the generation spanning story.”
The Daily Blog
“DeMatteis had imbued more weight and complexity to this character’s pathos than ninety percent of all the dysfunctional superheroes we’ve seen over the past three decades. Cavallaro’s work here is stellar. A seamless marriage between words and images. A damn good comic.”
“Fantastic work.”
Comic Book Resources
“J.M. DeMatteis knows how to hook the reader’s attention with a good mix of backstory, plot, and character development…and Mike Cavallaro provides eye-pleasing visuals with a style that’s Kirby filtered thru Allred.”
Ain’t It Cool News
“A fantastic first issue. The art suits the story perfectly, flowing from a perfect Golden Age look and creating a tarnished memory of the heroes we remember. An exciting, fresh look at the superheroes of yesteryear.”
The Homeworld
“Brilliant. So far, The Life and Times of Savior 28 is easily the best new superhero book of 2009…”
Comic Related
“Highly recommended for fans of dark superhero deconstructions.”
The Blog Monster
“As the washed-up hero’s career is recounted by his estranged and grown-up kid sidekick, glimpses of a violent world made vibrant by Kirby-inspired leanings combined with Cavallaro’s solid animation background are mated with DeMatteis’ exceptional sense of character. The final result is a #1 that offers more story and pathos than a usual single issue.”
New York City Graphic Novelist
“The Life and Times of Savior 28 works with archetypical characters and settings, giving us something you don’t see in a lot of comics: a whole new take.”
Major Spoilers
“A story that takes the superhero concept and looks at it with a critical eye, applying it to our current cultural mindset. It asks both interesting questions and gives us some gray answers. A unique and worthwhile look at superheroes”
Cosmic Comix
“Refreshing and original. A great story about a man first and a hero second. Cavallaro and Covalt create a visual world defined by bright colors and iconic visuals. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
The Source Wall
“A compelling portrait.”
Word Balloon