Category Archives: Blog


The Fox #2 signing, with Dean Haspiel, Paul Pope and Me!

Many hours at the drawing board the past few months working with writer J.M. DeMatteis and inker Terry Austin on the relaunch of THE SHIELD for Red Circle Comics. The story begins as a back-up feature in “The Fox” #2, due out this week, Wednesday, December 4th. “Fox” artist Dean Haspiel and I will be signing copies at JHU Comics in Manhattan from 6 – 8 pm, plus, we’ll be joined by the great Paul Pope!  Come on out and help us give this book a proper send-off!



UPDATE, 12/7/13:

Things got off to a late start, but we had a great time! It was great to see Nick, Larry and Rene, and to meet all the folks who came out for copies of The Fox. Thank you, everyone.


Thank you, Al Plastino

Just saw the news that cartoonist and all-around artist extraordinaire Al Plastino has passed away.
The “Greats” are leaving us. Nick Cardy passed away recently too and I didn’t have the heart to post or comment about it, as doing so frequently seems pointless and futile I suppose.
I had the good fortune to meet Nick Cardy at Baltimore Comic Con a couple years ago, and we discussed inking techniques and some of the artists Mr. Cardy knew, like Tex Blaisdell, whom I had as a teacher at the Joe Kubert School.  Speaking of which, I believe that was the last time I saw and spoke with Joe Kubert as well.

This year at New York Comic Con 2013, my one goal was to meet Al Plastino during his appearance at the Hero Initiative booth, where he was signing autographs for the charity organization. I told him I didn’t need his signature, but that I just wanted to say “hello” and tell him his career and attitude had been an inspiration to me, particularly some comments he made a number of years ago in an interview. When I reminded him of it, he laughed, stood up, and shook my hand, saying “Don’t forget those words!”

I told Mr. Plastino they were already on my blog for others to see. Here they are again:

“Mort [Weisinger] and I got along with in a business way, but it was an awful time. If you shook in your boots, especially in those days, they would jump all over you. When he was very rude to [Jerry] Siegel, I told him, “You wouldn’t be sitting behind that desk if he hadn’t created Superman, you know.” I never kept my voice down. When they wanted me to do something over I would say, “Whatever I give you is the best I can do.” My attitude was, they’re not bosses, they’re editors.”

-Al Plastino (Golden/Silver Age “Superman” artist extraordinaire) 
from an interview with Jim Kealy & Eddy Zeno
Alter Ego fanzine #59

Thank you, Al Plastino.

More about Mr. Plastino at Mark Evanier’s blog


New York Comic Con 2013

New York Comic Con is just days away, October 10 – 13 at the Jacob Javits Center, NYC. You know the drill — anything and everything even remotely related to comics assembled with all the subtlety of a crowded Atlantic City casino floor.

I’ll be there wandering around for the most part, but also on hand for the following:

– Archie Action Hour: Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man and Red Circle Comics

Thursday, October 10, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Room 1A01

Speakers: Jamal Peppers, Jon Gray, Mike Pellerito, Paul Kaminski, Ryan Jampole, Dean Haspiel, Ian Flynn, Mike Cavallaro

Get ready for action in New York! This year saw the two most popular video game characters Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man join forces for the first time ever in this year’s biggest comic book crossover event: “Worlds Collide”—now the dust has settled and it’s time for the iconic blue heroes to get back to battling for their respective home worlds post-crossover! In addition learn more about the future of the critically hailed Red Circle superhero comics New Crusaders and The Fox!

I’ll be signing the 16-page free flip book preview of THE FOX miniseries, featuring THE SHIELD backup feature I’m working on with J.M. DeMatteis and Terry Austin.

Where: The Archie Comics Booth #1936
When: 5pm-6pm with Dean Haspiel


@ The Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo

On September 28th & 29th, 2013, I’ll be exhibiting at MICE, The Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo, a free event showcasing the best in local comics. MICE 2013 will feature 150 comic creators, lively panel discussions, and creative workshops all weekend long!

I’ve put together a limited quantity of NICO BRAVO COLLECTOR’S PAKS, gathering together 5 issues of The Phoenix Comic in which my Nico Bravo strip appears, plus a bunch of other exclusive goodies. I’ll also have many of my books for sale, including “Parade (with fireworks)”, “Foiled”, and “The Life and Times of Savior 28”.

The Expo’s hours are:
Saturday: 10am – 6pm
Sunday: 11am – 4pm

I don’t know my table assignment yet, but I’ll update when I do.

View the exhibitor list, press information and full schedule at



This Week — Megaman #29

MEGAMAN #29, the first of four issues penciled by me, written by Ian Flynn, with inks by Gary Martin, colors by Matt Herms, lettering by John Workman, and covers by Patrick Spaziante and Dean Haspiel, will hit the racks this week, Wednesday, September 18th:

“The biggest storyline in Mega Man comic history starts here! “BLACKOUT: Curse of Ra Moon” Part One: The world has shut down!  When the power of Ra Moon robs the Earth of all its technology, it’s up to Mega Man and a handful of Robot Masters to set things right. But just how can robots handle the force of a technological meltdown if they’re cut off from the ability to re-charge? Has Mega Man fallen right into Dr. Wily’s trap?  Or has Wily underestimated his mysterious new ally?”

I wasn’t a MEGAMAN reader either, but I backed-up to the first issue and started doing my research, and was surprised to find this is a really well-done comic that reminds me of the classic superhero fare that got me into comics to begin with. It’s also a pleasure to work with such a pro team. Gary and Matt took my pencils and … I dunno … worked some kind of magic on them. As this first issue comes out, I’m working on my third, and it’s been a cool and interesting challenge. Very happy to be a part of the whole thing.


The Shield!

I’ve been working this up with writer J.M. DeMatteis, inker Terry Austin, and colorist Steven Downer for Archie Comics’ Red Circle imprint: The Shield [created way back in 1940 by Irv Novick] will debut as a back-up feature in The Fox #2 by Dean Haspiel and Mark Waid.

Comic Book Resources has the scoop: LINK


Something new

Have been putting together a new project with friends Marc and Tom. It’s taken me forever, squeezing this development stuff in-between everything else, but we seem to have put the finishing touches on our presentation. Below, written by J.M.D., inks by Tom Ryder, pencils and colors by me — wish us luck!


I know this has (unfortunately) limited appeal (like most good things), especially when compared to Batman crossovers and fresh new reboots, but the line up comics master Joe Kubert assembled before his untimely passing for the 6-issue limited series “Joe Kubert Presents” has been killing it for the past few months. Without fanfare, hype or gimmickry, contributors Brian Buniak, Sam Glanzman, and Kubert himself, remind us what skill, imagination, and a pen can accomplish with comics. Glanzman in particular is not only serializing perhaps the only memoirs in “mainstream” comics, but also some of the only truly essential work coming out of the Big Two. Though “Nu” and “Now” will someday be forgotten, there will be no editorial reboot for Glanzman’s stunning wartime recollections. This is a real gem, happening quietly right now, monthly, on-schedule, right in front of us. Treat yourself.



Whenever someone asks me what I’m reading, my brain goes completely blank. Right now, though, I’m sitting here surrounded by a pile of books, so perhaps I should write it down. At the moment, it’s:

The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett
The Chaos Effect by Bilal & Christin
The Moon Moth by Jack Vance & Humayoun Ibrahim
Marvel Comics: the Untold Story by Sean Howe
Corpse on the Imjin by Harvey Kurtzman
Popeye volume 4 by E. C. Segar
Terry & The Pirates volume 5 by Milton Caniff

Basically, yes, all of them at once.


New This Week

It’s possible for so much time to pass between when you finish something and when it actually comes out that you can lose track of it all. Last night, after a whole slew of blogging/posting/hyping the release (Today!) of “Curses! Foiled Again”, I realized I actually had 3 new books out this week, which is either a first for me, or at the very least hasn’t happened in something like 20 years, since I was coloring a couple books a month for Valiant Comics in the early 90’s. The round-up:

Out Today:

Out this week:
